
Explore Engaging Articles on WebDev, IT & Freelancing


From Monolithic to Microservices: The Evolution of Application Design

Explore the journey of application design from the traditional monolithic model to the contemporary microservices paradigm, and discover the benefits and challenges of this transformational shift.

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Automating Image Conversion and Resizing Using a Bash Script

This blog post guides you through the process of automating image conversions and resizing tasks using a powerful bash script. We take a detailed look at a script that can efficiently convert HEIC/HEIF files to JPEG and resize them to half their original size.

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What are Static Site Generators and When to Use Them?

If you're looking for a simple, fast, and secure way to create a website, static site generators may be the answer. We'll explain what static site generators are, how they work, and when you should consider using them.

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Why Top Corporate Websites Choose TYPO3 CMS Over WordPress for their website

TYPO3 and WordPress are both popular content management systems (CMS) but when it comes to building corporate websites, TYPO3 has several technical advantages over WordPress. In this article, we'll explore why TYPO3 is the better choice for large corporate websites like ESET.com, and the technical features that make it the preferred CMS.

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Analyzing the Impact of Framework Choice on Web Performance and User Experience

This article explores the impact of framework choice on web performance and user experience by analyzing real-world data. It also looks at the correlation between framework choice and site's Core Web Vitals.

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A Practical Guide to Iterating Array or Object Properties in JavaScript

Iterating through arrays and objects is a common task in JavaScript development. Understanding the different options available for iteration is essential for efficient and effective coding. This guide will cover the various methods for iterating through arrays and objects in JavaScript and provide insights into when to use each method for optimal performance.

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Understanding Middleware in Strapi CMS

One of the key features of Strapi is its support for middleware, which allows developers to run custom logic before or after an API route is executed. We will explore the concept of middleware in Strapi and provide examples of how it can be used to improve the functionality and security of your APIs.

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Highlighting the Active Subpage in Next.js Navigation Menu

Learn how to highlight the active subpage in your Next.js navigation menus using the useSelectedLayoutSegment hook from the next/navigation module. This technique allows you to add a visual cue to your menus to show users which subpage they are currently on.

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Resize multiple JPEG Images efficiently with a Shell Script

This shell script uses the find utility to search for all .jpeg files in a directory, and then uses xargs and the convert command from ImageMagick to resize each of these files to 30% of their original size and save them in a directory called _resized.

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Integrating TYPO3 CLI Commands in Custom Plugin's Controller Action

Learn how to call TYPO3 CLI commands from within a controller action in a custom plugin using the Symfony Process component. This guide will show you how to run CLI commands and capture their output, as well as important considerations such as security.

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